
American politics definition
American politics definition

Hence feminism is an ideology.īut this concept cannot throw sufficient light on feminist approach to politics-when it was strongly felt that without women’s whole-hearted participation in all sorts of social functions neither social development nor their emancipation are possible. We have already noted that feminism is a movement whose aim is to accelerate the social role of women because without this role and its advancement all-round progress is practically an impossibility. To remove this confusion the two terms need to be clarified. Readers here are confronted with two terms-feminism and feminist approach to politics. Feminism vs Feminist Approach to Politics : Feminism, therefore, wants to highlight the idea that, since women form one-half of the population, social progress (interpreted in all senses) can never be a reality without the complete and spontaneous participation of women. The social and political structure have been built up in such a manner that women are not always at par with men in various affairs of society and this has practically given birth to a male-dominated society. It also talks about women’s rights and freedom. But broadly speaking the concept embraces other areas of women’s life such as their development, role in political, social, cultural and economic affairs. Feminism is, therefore, a critique of patriarchy on the one hand and an ideology committed to women’s emancipation on the other”.įeminism is, therefore, a doctrine which is concerned with emancipation of women. It has at its central focus the concept of patriarchy which can be described as a system of male authority which oppresses women through its social, political and economic institutions. “Feminism is a way of looking at the world which women occupy from the perspective of women. There are number of definitions of feminism and a very lucid one has been offered by the author of the article published in Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics. Feminism in Politics: Definition, Development and Types! Definition of Feminism :

American politics definition