These spots can be white or red. It is difficult to be certain what you are describing.Spots on vagina can be mild or severe. They appear as small, painless, raised, pale, red or white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter that may appear on the scrotum, shaft of the penis or on the labia, as well as the inner surface (retromolar mucosa) and.
If they do not otherwise trouble you, it is ok to leave them alone.Removal is possible and can be done under local anaesthetic, but is not really necessary.Again if they are painful, you have soreness, or a discharge, then go and see your doctor. This may be seen as unusual nail colouration, such as yellow/brown.However, I imagine that these spots have been there for a little while, are smooth, and that you don't have any soreness, itching or discharge.If you do have these other symptoms, then I think you should contact us again with more details, or see your GP.If they are as I suspect, then they are almost certainly small mucous or pilar cysts.These are quite harmless, and are due to secretions from some of the many small glands in the vaginal area getting trapped in the glands instead of being secreted onto the surface.They sometimes go away on their own, but may persist for some time. The term is used here basing on the idea that it is what people call itingrown hair on vagina or razor bumps on vag.When it starts there is a white or yellowish patch at the tip of the nail, and this.